We try to capture the colors of these items as accurately as possible. Please understand that differences in cameras, lighting, and monitors makes it impossible to be 100% accurate.

Regarding string post length.

There are two string post lengsth, UPT Standard and UPTL Long for headstocks with a thickness of 12mm (0.472") or more. There is no difference in price. Please measure your ukulele carefully before ordering.

Will these fit my ukulele?

If you are replacing friction pegs you will almost certainly need to have the peg holes re-bored. We recommend that this be done by a professional. The diameter should be 9.7-10mm or just a bit wider than 3/8". With regard to headstock thickness (see above) you'll need to measure your headstock.

Do I need to tighten the screws like friction pegs?

Yes and no. Let's start with the no: You probably won't need to make any kind of adjustment. But on the off-chance that you do (you'll know - the post would un-wind from string tension) it's easy to tighten to the right amount of tension. Which brings us to the yes: Technically, the planetary gear is engaged by the screw that holds the button in place. Unlike friction pegs, there is a very wide range of "works well".

Tuning a ukulele with UPT planetary tuners is a pleasant experience. It may take you some time to get used to that.

Why are some buttons more expensive than others?

There are two main types of plastic buttons: molded ABS and carved acrylic. The molded ABS buttons (UBB, UBN, UB4B, UB4N) are solid colors without any variation. The acrylic buttons (JP1, JP2M, JP2B, UB7, UB8) are carved from blocks of patterned material so that they can have a natural look, eg. ivoroid, pearloid, tortoise shell. The appearance, process, and material of the acrylic buttons adds to their cost.

Gotoh UPT Ukulele - Planetary


Gotoh's UPT planetary ukulele tuners were designed by Japarts' own Yusuke Kawakami to blend classic looks with modern functionality. They come in three body finish options, six standard button options, and three Japarts-exclusive button options, giving you a total of 27 great styles to choose from!

There are two string post lengths, standard and long. Please make sure you measure your headstock thickness carefully to make sure of the fit.

  • GOTOH UPT / UPTL Schematic Diagram
    UPT / UPTL Schematic Diagram
Button Options
  • JP1 Ivoroid
  • JP2 Ivoroid
  • JP2 Black
  • UBB Black Oval
  • UBN Vintage Oval
  • UBB Black Tulip
  • UBB Vintage Tulip
  • UB7 Pearloid
  • UB8 Tortoise
Use the controls below to filter the list of products.
Number of matching products: 3
Product Price USD
Gotoh UPT-JP2B-B
Black UPT Tuning Pegs + JP2 (black) Buttons
Set of four ukulele planetary tuners in black finish with jp2 (black) buttons.
Standard length 17.5mm string posts appropriate for headstocks 10 to 12mm.
Package includes washers and nuts.
4 items in set
Model: UPT
Finish: Black
Button: JP2B
Detail: Planetary
Chrome White UPT Tuning Pegs + JP2 (black) Buttons
Set of four ukulele planetary tuners in chrome white finish with jp2 (black) buttons.
Standard length 17.5mm string posts appropriate for headstocks 10 to 12mm.
Package includes washers and nuts.
4 items in set
Model: UPT
Finish: Chrome White
Button: JP2B
Detail: Planetary
Gotoh UPT-JP2B-G
Gold UPT Tuning Pegs + JP2 (black) Buttons
Set of four ukulele planetary tuners in gold finish with jp2 (black) buttons.
Standard length 17.5mm string posts appropriate for headstocks 10 to 12mm.
Package includes washers and nuts.
4 items in set
Model: UPT
Finish: Gold
Button: JP2B
Detail: Planetary
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